[RT] Supply: Through Rain or Snow or Gunfire

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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[RT] Supply: Through Rain or Snow or Gunfire
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2023 23:54:30 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
Almost there, Matchstick, just a little longer,” June called out to her Talonflame. This had been their third delivery, but the cargo hadn’t gotten lighter in any of their supply runs.

But it was ‘vital’ that they move it as fast as possible. Item lists blurred together at this point, despite it being only the third delivery, but it had a lot of important stuff: first aid, foodstuffs, the works. Wars weren’t fought with broken bones or on empty stomachs, and proper supply lines were a luxury, it seemed.

At least the pay was fucking massive. Better be, anyway.

What about you… what was your name again? Holding on?” she called over the wind that rushed around her. Even if the prospect of combat had been established in her mind, the concept of ‘teammates’ still felt weird—more respect than paying customers, but still less than friends. Acquaintance sounded off. Ally? That sounded war vibe-y. Fit the atmosphere, or whatever.

A sudden shift rocked the world and got her heart to skip a beat. Arceus above, even the altitude they rode at was awkward. Her contact had advised they avoid open skies so that they didn’t get expressly targeted by anti-air armaments. ‘Hug the ground as close as you can without barreling into the environment’. That was a great idea in theory.

Yet based on the way her bird suddenly twisted, they must’ve barely avoided smashing their crates against some obstacle. “You sure this is the best route? We’re one wrong move away from losing all the cargo at this height!

MP Gained: 10(Post) + 50 (Participation)

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Kazimir Wynter
[RT] Supply: Through Rain or Snow or Gunfire
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2023 10:30:00 GMT
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From behind June was Kaz riding his Corviknight holding onto a small container with its feet as it did its best to keep itself steady while in the air. The steel bird struggled against the turbulence that the Talonflame experience but was doing its best to not look bothered by it while its trainer was taking in a few breaths to keep himself from getting light headed. "Kaz! Name's Kazimir!" the large man called out in reply to his partner's question as him and his bird managed to catch up to them and fly side by side.

He couldn't blame them for the worry they were displaying as this was one of the more troublesome supply runs they were doing solely because of the route they were taking. There was taking caution in their work and then there was being over cautious to the point of causing even more problems for them. Still Kaz had to keep a brave face on to try and help ease the tension, "Well its the quickest route! Faster we get the job done the faster we get that check, and this one is one that can't wait amirite?"

Normally the money would be a second priority for Kazimir but when he saw the numbers that were given to them he figured this job might be the one exception to that. Even so they were probably right, any screw up and these supplies would probably be lost to anyone, and then that check would just go up in smoke. In that case...

"But! If yer tired we can take a quick breath to catch our breath. Maybe we can figure out a better route too, sound good?"

MP: 60 [participation + post]

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[RT] Supply: Through Rain or Snow or Gunfire
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2023 18:16:25 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
Did this 'Kaz' guy think June couldn't handle a little difficulty? She furiously shook her head. “As you said, the faster we get there, the sooner we can rest!

Their Pokémon could rest, rather. Poor Matchstick. Tired girl was probably worn out from all the heavy cargo. But just like its trainer, it’d keep going regardless of the situation. Through rain or snow or whatever else, they'd get the job done. 'Don’t stop until your body feels like it’ll collapse under itself, and then go a little further'.

A lot harder way to say ‘workaholics’.

If you say this route’s the fastest, I don’t got a choice but to trust you,” she called out, “but let’s go up a few meters! Don’t chance crushing our shit against a rock!

Her legs pulled up, and so did the flame-colored bird. Skreeeeeeeeeeee!

Don’t give out on me yet, Matchstick!

Slowly, they rose further above the gray, rocky outcrops. Already her heart slowed it’s rhythmic beat to a much steadier tempo. Now that she didn’t need to be on the prowl for those dastardly boulders, the delivery could take it slightly easier. The tiredness that crept along her bones threatened to take her by force. June settled her against the frigid saddle.


A second cry? What a worrywart. “We’ll be fine, girl! Kaz here can keep an eye out for any Rockets. If they even show–


Was that… a bullet?

More fwips and rrrrps whipped past her head. Every single muscle in her body tensed into steel. Her eyes peeked over the safety of the leather. Sure enough, she could see those stupid outfits from behind a half-dozen different rocks. Pokémon, too, fired their own dangerous projectiles. Fuck, fuck fuck fuck–


Those hadn't been 'I'm frustrated with you' cries: they were 'wake up dumbass' cries!

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Kazimir Wynter
[RT] Supply: Through Rain or Snow or Gunfire
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2023 4:18:19 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Powering through wasn't anything new for Kazimir or his Pokemon so wanting to forgo the bit of rest didn't bother him too much. Honestly the faster they completed this job the more time they had to rest and relax afterward which was the better choice in the long run. When he heard his name said by his partner he smiled but it quickly disappeared when he heard something whizz right past him followed by the familiar sound of gunshots. Looking back he could also make out the signs of Rocket following them close behind riding their own Pokemon to catch up to them. "Damn it, don't ya guys have anything better to do?!"

He gripped on his Corviknight's neck and with a nudged urged it to turn around and face their pursuers with glares coming from both Trainer and Pokemon. Noctis didn't even need any sort of command from his Trainer to understand what had to be done and with his beak open wide fired a steel beam that struck one of the Rockets and their Pokemon down, knocking them down into the ground below which caused Kaz to wince as he saw them disappear the farther they flew. That could be him or June.

"One down another to go! Try to get some distance, I'll slow the last one down!" If it was between him or June he knew that June was the better of them to make it out of here unscathed. They just wanted to get paid not shot out of the sky. Still Kaz himself had some important cargo meaning his options on how to fight back were limited. "Slow them down, easy mode buddy."

Whispering to his bird the Corviknight let out a squawk as it flapped its wings to create a Hurricane that was doing its job and blowing the Rocket away and pushed them back making the distance between everyone grow by the second. Question was would it be enough?

MP: 10 [post]

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June Bug
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[RT] Supply: Through Rain or Snow or Gunfire
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2023 2:57:05 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
June could only stare in shock as the Corviknight fired off a nasty Steel Beam. The attack sent the relevent Rocket straight into the sand. It didn’t take long for them to be little more than a dot on the landscape.

No, focus! Now wasn’t the time to gawk at combat! This is what she signed up for; she wouldn’t be some wide-eyed recruit who lost their mind at every little thing. Especially since the enemy deemed it necessary to fucking shoot them.

I’ll get us an open route!” June called to Kaz. She couldn’t let this guy one up her! So, as they quickly approached another pair of Rockets, who stood their ground and ordered their Pokémon to fire at them, she hugged her Talonflame tighter. “Matchstick, Flare Blitz their asses!

The air sizzled right in front of her eyes. Despite the ocean chill, her skin lit up in warmth, which soon turned uncomfortable. The bird’s wings lit up in flame, a trail of smoke left in their wake. She charged the grunts.

All she could hear were the remnants of their shrieks as they dove out of the way. Their Pokémon were scorched, and soon retreated back into their poke balls. “Good job, girl!

As for her ally, she pulled the reigns back a smidgen. “Get us a Tailwind, so we can get out of here!

A caw of protest led into a sudden increase in the beat of its wings. The surrounding air circled and rushed forward, as if commanded by some unknown force to move at mach-ten. Noctis would notice the sudden speed boost, a pull at its wings. This could get them clear, if they were quick about it. 


Just a little further, girl! We got this!” They rushed forward with the wind, desperate to make it to their destination with their cargo intact. But they couldn’t afford to waste any more time. “How’s our back looking, Kaz?!

MP = +20 (This post and previous post I forgor last one)

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Kazimir Wynter
[RT] Supply: Through Rain or Snow or Gunfire
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2023 5:54:17 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

A whistle left Kazimir's lips as he watched his partner take down the other Rocket with her Pokemon and their fiery tactics to send them flying to the ground. It was an impressive display and if they could see him they would see the man give them a thumbs up for their effort. The gesture didn't last long as his Corviknight suddenly jerked as they felt the tailwind suddenly pick it up and carry it along with it as it felt itself fly at a faster speed. Kaz just let out a loud whoop as he felt the wind blow through his short hair and break against his face.

When asked if they were still being tailed he craned his head around to see if anything else was chasing after them. At first glance he didn't see anything until there was a few black specks suddenly appearing in the distance. Then their numbers started to grow. That wasn't good.

"Hey-hey! I think we got a whole crowd behind us! We'd better get outta here and fast!" Whatever it was they were carrying must have been something Rocket really wanted in their hands. Which of course it was important to League in that case but was it worth dying over?

MP: 10 [post]

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[RT] Supply: Through Rain or Snow or Gunfire
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2023 19:00:50 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.

June crept forward in her saddle. The bird spared a glance towards its trainer. All the stress in its muscles, the way its wing flaps grew weaker and weaker as they went on, the situation as a whole– all this only helped to confirm what that look spoke. Their minds were connected in a way, even in primal instinct.

If she didn’t drop the cargo, they were done for.

Kaz, we gotta drop our cargo! Matchstick can’t keep up anymore!” June pointed straight left, out to the open sea. Just cause they had to ditch their stuff didn’t mean it need to fall in enemy hands. All those Pokémon that roamed just below the water line would feast like royalty.

So, she banked right. Almost perpendicular with the ground, the pair made a bee-line for the beach. The delivery girl did not dare look back. Her heart pulsed in her ears with a break-neck tempo as is, without a clue on how far back the back-up was, or whether Kazimir would follow suit.

Sea air stung her eyes, which made it near impossible to see. When to drop, when to drop? White, white, white, white..

A hint of blue emerged from her clouded vision. “Matchstick, now!

The sun kissed bird had let go moments before the words came out. Relief came immediately. June could feel it as well, like a million-pound weight was lifted of their shoulders. All the crates crashed into the water, loud enough to drown out the very waves.

But where was her ally? A cursory look only told her that Rocket was impossibly close. How the hell did they close that much distance already?!

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Kazimir Wynter
[RT] Supply: Through Rain or Snow or Gunfire
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2023 12:57:53 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Glances kept being sent behind Kaz as he watched as the group of Rockets were closing in on them inch by inch, second by second. If something wasn't done then the two of them would be swarmed and thinking about what happens after that wasn't a thought he wanted to entertain. As his mind raced to come up with a solution his partner managed to suggest one. It wasn't a real pleasant one but their lives were way more important than what they were carrying, even if some might disagree with them.

As he watched June go down low and drop their cargo into the water Kaz was following close behind and was about to do the same when an air cutter whizzed past him and his bird. Looking back he saw that a few of the larger group managed to catch up to them and were almost right on top of them. He then looked back at June and knew he had to do something to make sure that she got out of this at least. Only one of them should get their ass handed to them by Rocket.

"June! Keep going! I'll buy ya a few seconds!" Kaz pulled on the reigns to swing Noctis around and as they did the bird let go of its cargo to throw it at one of the oncoming Rockets knocking them off their mount and plummeting into the water. Kaz held onto his bird with his powerful legs and raised his arms to strike a pose that ignited a glow around his body, "We'll cut to the future with our steel...Corckscrew Crash!"

Spurned on the by the energy that slipped from Kazimir to itself Noctis let out a screech as it rushed in spinning using its z-move corkscrew crash to barrel through the Rockets right above them and continued onto the larger group. Striking down a few of them it did manage to break up the larger group and get their attention focused on Kaz and his Corviknight as they came out of their spin and hovered above them and grinned down at them. "C'mon guys, why don't I show ya all a good time huh?"

MP: 20 [post + z-move]

[newclass=.pokkenger] [/newclass]
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june sleigh
[RT] Supply: Through Rain or Snow or Gunfire
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2023 21:34:18 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
June groaned. Why did all these army types seem to salivate at the mere idea of a last stand?! Even worse, she couldn’t just leave the guy on his own. Not necessarily for moral reasons either: she’d never hear the end of it if all she did was promise to remember his name.

Matchstick, turn around and Brave Bird some Rockets!


The Talonflame’s signature ember wings were muffled as the bird accelerated with a few powerful flaps. Without all that extra weight, it felt trivial to get to such a high speed. Whatever distance Kazimir made by going first, she closed in record time. Even with the Corkscrew Crash, she wasn’t as far behind as he thought.

There were… a lot of Rockets though. More than she thought. Whatever. With the two of them unburdened by their packages, they could make some distance and escape with their lives. Most of them remained distracted by Kaz as he taunted the large group.

Thus, the sheer vacuum effect left behind by the Talonflame sent more than a few down to the sand and sea below. Confusion and panic cropped up at the sudden disruption. “W-what the hell was that!?

That felt nice. “You dumbass, Kaz! Don’t play hero, let’s just get the fuck out of here!

The leftover Rockets did not waste a second. Dozens of projectiles soared towards them, and any with firearms took aim and fire. June and her bird started evasive maneuvers, but who know how long they’d go unscathed. If Kaz wanted to be a hero, then he better damn well save them both or admit he had a problem.

+10 MP

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Kazimir Wynter
[RT] Supply: Through Rain or Snow or Gunfire
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2023 5:02:34 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"What's why I told YOU to get out of here!" he appreciated the concern but it would be moot if the both of them fell here. In hindsight it was probably a dumb idea for him to just take on this crowd by himself but all he wanted to do was just buy June a little bit of time. Now was the time to change up strategies if they both wanted to get out of here.

All the fire being thrown around made it hard for Kaz to focus however and it wasn't until he saw a salvo of rock throws being thrown at June from above that only one thought was on his mind now. Protection. "Watch out!" Pulling on the reigns Kaz and Noctis came up to June and threw up a protect to shield them from the rocks. While they protected them it left themselves wide open when a thunderbolt suddenly came down and struck both bird and rider breaking through the weakened barrier and soon fell to the ground.

Kaz's vision was blurry and his skin burned but he was still conscious and reached for a ball on his belt as weakly as he could. Opening one up an Aerodatcyl came roaring out and grabbed Kazimir by the skin of his shirt and carried him in its claws as the trainer looked over and returned his Corviknight back into its ball before it hit the water, he was pretty sure it was knocked out and wasn't going to be flying straight anytime soon. "We gotta...go...get us...outta here... Puto."

The fossil beast let out a roar and with its agility flew through the crowd. As it did its pressure that it exuded managed to scare off some of the Pokemon that chased after them much to their trainers angry responses. With how big it was if June was trailing right behind them they probably could at least ride its slipstream or something to follow after them if they were quick enough.

MP: 70 [post + assist + knocked out pokemon]

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june sleigh
[RT] Supply: Through Rain or Snow or Gunfire
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2023 1:17:53 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
Shadows covered June and the Talonflame. By the time she looked up, Kazimir had flown into position and used a Protect to save them. All she could do is wonder what could’ve been. Yet how else could it have ended?

She’d be lucky to be alive.

Unfortunately, she did get to see an aftermath of one attack that landed: a bolt of electricity pierced the winds. With abject horror, the delivery girl witnessed the attack crumple the Corviknight. It fell with no fanfare. No cry.


But she couldn’t slow down. That’d make his… no, Kazimir was fine! A fire burned in her heart. Not for the ally that fell from the sky, but from the human condition. “You fucking bastards!

The world grew uncomfortably hot yet again. Another Flare Blitz cooked the air as the bird charged towards the other half. A few foolhardy Rockets stood their ground, but they were unable to land any attacks. Just like her companion, they too fell down to the earth below. Idiots.

And as soon as the flames were quelled, another figure joined the fray. An Aerodactyl? How did she beat one of those? Its Pressure felt oppressive. A single rock would crush them to dust.

But that all vanished as soon as she saw the person nestled in its claws. “Fucking hell, Kaz! Scared the shit out of me there!

They didn’t want to stick around anymore, at least. That Agility sent them forward at mach-ten. Way faster than she could hope to be. June didn’t care in the slightest; it was the Talonflame that saw their breakneck blitz as an issued challenge. It once again threw forward a Tailwind, hopeful it would give it the upper edge.

It didn’t.

But it did make them move faster than Rocket could hope to be. With their combined, increased speed, it didn’t take long for their foes to once again be blips on the horizon. And all it has cost them was their cargo. At least it hadn’t fallen into enemy hands?

+10 MP

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Kazimir Wynter
[RT] Supply: Through Rain or Snow or Gunfire
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2023 4:55:03 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Kazimir gave a thumbs up when he heard June yell at him about scaring the absolute crap out of her. He would tell her he's survived and gone through worse and she would either not believe him or call him crazy. Or maybe both? Stuff like that could wait once they were out of this mess and for a moment it seemed like that was the case until a flash of blue suddenly streaked past June and struck the Aerodatcyl's tail causing the beast to scream and jostle Kazimir around as he looked up to see the beast's tail suddenly encased in ice.

"Crap, they're gonna try and drop us!" Freezing them solid in mid air was a surefire way to end up more than just swimming with the fishes considering where they were. They were almost free and now this, what more could be done to ensure their safety? It seemed like Kaz's rocky dragon had an idea as it started to slow down till it was right next to June and her Talonflame and screeched at the bird to communicate one thing and one thing only to it.


The Aerodatcly tossed Kaz towards the Talonflame despite the man screaming as it did, luckily Kaz reached out to at least grab onto the orange bird's legs to try and keep himself from plummeting into the blue abyss below. Turning on a dime the rocky dragon sped back towards the group of pursuing Rockets firing off a Hyper Beam to send two of them to their doom as the others fired off Ice Beam after Ice Beam at him making ice grow all along his body until he was a frozen solid chunk of ice that dropped out of the sky, breaking apart as it hit rocks along the way down giving his life for his comrades.

Kaz could only look away once he heard the crunching sound of his Pokemon's demise and took in a deep breath, "Keep going! He bought us some time so let's use it!"

MP: 210 [post + pokemon death]

[newclass=.pokkenger] [/newclass]
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June Bug
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june sleigh
[RT] Supply: Through Rain or Snow or Gunfire
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2023 16:34:09 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
Of course Kaz’s only response was a thumbs up. June could already hear his heroic declarations from the inside of his probably hollow head. A slight shake of her head was all she gave in response. So long as they could–


The Ice Beam missed her bird by a meter at best, but struck the Aerodactyl square on the tail. June jumped in her saddle, nearly off the edge and down to the sea below. “What the fuck?!

Ice formed rather fast from the sub-zero beam. Yet that couldn’t possibly explain why the hell the pre-historic bird slowed down. Matchstick didn’t think about it further than a unfortunate lead in their ‘race’, but June eyed the gray creature warily. Surely it could wag its tail to rid itself of the block of ice?

But with a short, rough cry, it tossed Kaz right to the bird. Somehow, he caught onto the Talonflame. It gave out its own cry, one of surprise. What the hell? Was it trying to weigh her down?

Wait, Kaz, where is your–


Two Rockets were obliterated off the face of the earth. Not nearly enough to stop the horde of black suits that encroached further. Enough to get their attention, though. Dozens of Ice Beams pierced the Pokémon, until it was as frozen stiff as an actual block of ice. From there, gravity did the rest.


June’s knuckles turned as white as frost. A hollow feeling spread throughout her body. What just… did it really… but that was… how could…

The Talonflame only heard the faint crash of ice against rocks. Too busy with the trainer that dangled from her foot and making sure that the other bird didn’t steal the lead from her. Must’ve focused on their safe escape rather than their race. Probably for the better. She couldn’t do that without going back into the fray.

An eye glanced as far backward as it could, up to her trainer. Why did June suddenly grab onto her neck? That really hurt! And her eyes were really wide. Some seawater must’ve rocked up from the waves and coated her face in water, too. If she went really fast, it would surely fly off her face!

So, one final Brave Bird sent them well on their way, far away from the bad guys. Once they touched down at base, June could massage her worn muscles and gloat to Kaz how they won the race. How could she lose? Her obviously better flying techniques had to have left that Aerodactyl in the dust.

+10 MP (Post) + 10 MP (Assisting another Trainer) + 300 MP (Losing an RT Mission, both trainers failed to deliver their cargo) + 100 MP (RT Thread Completion)
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[RT] Supply: Through Rain or Snow or Gunfire
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2023 7:48:16 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MP THREAD COMPLETE!



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